Purpose: To develop anticipation and quick hands and feet in the defensive player. Drill: The offensive players will drive in for a layup attempt. You can have players at several baskets if available, or have lines on both sides as shown in the diagram and take turns with each line. The defensive player will step-slide to cut off the baseline drive. The defender will use his inside hand to knock the basketball away. Here, footwork is important to get to the spot. The offensive player … [Read more...]
Overplay Drill
Purpose: Learn to force opponents away from normal offensive starting positions and to keep them from receiving the basketball. Drill: Place 2-3 groups of two on the court as shown. The offensive players should be in 'normal' offensive positions so that the defenders can see if they are forcing them away from the basket. The offensive twosomes attempt to pass the ball while the defender, using good footwork and balance, attempt to stop the completion of the pass. The receiver should attempt … [Read more...]
Defensive Slide and Change-of-Direction Drill
Purpose: To teach defensive footwork (defensive slides, pivoting, and change-of-direction) in a fullcourt, game-like setting. Also a good drill to build pressure defense and overall conditioning. Drill: Place 7 cones on the court as shown. Players begin at a corner of the baseline facing the near basket and guarding an imaginary offensive player. Each defender slides with bent knees, staying low, and moving laterally until reaching the cone. Once at the cone, he pivots (reverse pivot) and … [Read more...]
Jump to the Ball Drill
Purpose: To practice the conversion from on-the-ball to off-the-ball defense. Many players think that their defensive responsibility ends when the player they are guarding passes the basketball. Good defenders will react, anticipate, and play good defense rather than be lazy. Drill: 2 offensive players and 1 defender guarding the player with the ball. O1 makes the pass to O2 on the wing. X1 'jumps to the ball' as the pass is made; staying in a low denial stance to prevent the give-and-go … [Read more...]
4-Man Help and Recover Drill
Purpose: To teach the defender to closeout, defend on-ball, jump to the ball in denial position, recover to defend the shot and blockout. This drill also stresses quick and efficient defensive footwork. Drill: Three offensive men start as shown in the diagram. The defensive man starts about midway between the baseline and free throw line with a basketball. To start the drill, the defender passes the ball to the offensive point man. The point catches the ball in triple threat position as the … [Read more...]
1-on-1 Rollout Closeout Drill
Purpose: This drill helps the offensive player work on scoring from the elbow area while being closely defended. The defensive player works on closing out effectively and defending on-ball scoring moves. Drill: O1 begins on a low block and X1 starts on the opposite low block. O1 rolls the ball out at a diagonal angle toward the opposite elbow area and runs out, picks it up, and pivots to face the basket. As O1 rolls the basketball and goes after it, X1 will go hard across the lane and plant … [Read more...]
1-on-3 Defensive Transition Drill
Purpose: To teach the defender to guard against three offensive players in a fast break situation. This situation may not present itself very often, but it does occur. It is good to have been drilled in this situation. Drill: Four lines needed; three offensive lines at the midcourt line and one defensive line on the baseline. The ball starts in the middle offensive line and the first defender begins at about the free throw line. The middle man dribbles toward the defender as his … [Read more...]
1-on-1 Defend Away from the Ball Drill
Purpose: To teach the importance of defending your opponent when he does not have the basketball. Some players defend the ball very well but relax when their opponent does not have the ball. This drill helps work on defending all the time. Drill: 2 lines. One in the corner as defensive players and one on the wing as offensive players. First player in each line steps out to compete. A coach stands on the opposite wing with a basketball. O1 and X1 step out to perform the drill. The objective … [Read more...]
Deny the Post Flash Drill
Purpose: To emphasize defending the post pass when the post player flashes across the lane to the low block. Drill: Set up as shown in the diagram with one offensive player starting in the lane and a defender guarding him. Two wing passers, each with a basketball. Remaining players form 2 lines on the baseline. The post player flashes to the low block as the defender attempts to deny the pass. After the pass, the offensive player cuts to the other side and the defender tries to deflect … [Read more...]
How To Defend the On-Ball 1-on-1 Situation
Possibly the toughest position to be in defensively is having to defend the ball in a 1-on-1 situation. More and more teams are using the dribble to create offense. You do need to have good helpside defense but the best initial line of defense for this is to develop a solid foundation of individual defensive fundamentals. 1-on-1 defense should be a part of every practice and the following must be stressed as part of the defensive stance: The defensive stance should be a comfortable stance that … [Read more...]