There is always some debate on whether or not to give your team a 'players notebook'. Some coaches feel it is a waste of time and money because the athletes will never look at them or use them anyhow. Other coaches believe they are very important because they give the players - on paper - everything they 'need' to know. I have seen some coaches make it a requirement that all players bring their notebooks to practice, some that hand out notebooks and then never utilize them, and others that … [Read more...]
How to Promote Your Basketball Program in Your School and Community
The following ideas will help you promote your basketball program within your local community. These simple strategies will help build excitement around your program ... and who couldn't use a more passionate fan-base, bigger crowds, and overall greater interest in your team?!? Put together a good coaching staff with qualified coaches. Hire on-site teachers to help coach at some level, especially if you are not a teacher at the school where you coach. It is very beneficial to have a … [Read more...]
Head Basketball Coach Duties & Responsibilities
The following duties and responsibilities apply to all head coaches, regardless of school, district, program, or club. What follows is essentially a job description. If you desire to be a head coach, this article will help you understand what is expected of you. If you are in the business of hiring head coaches, use the following list to help weed out potential candidates. If you need similar information for assistant coaches, check out the Assistant Basketball Coach Duties and … [Read more...]
Assistant Basketball Coach Duties & Responsibilities
As an assistant coach, your roles are quite diverse and different than that of the head coach. I am sure there are other ideas and concepts beyond what is below, however, use this as a guide to help you better understand your role and to work well with the head coach and other staff members. For an in-depth article dealing with head coaching responsibilities, check out the Head Basketball Coach Duties & Responsibilities article. Qualifications: Previous coaching or playing experience in … [Read more...]
Developing a Basketball Coaching Philosophy
On Being a Coach One of the very most important positions you can hold and professions you can work in is by being a basketball coach, or any type of coach or teacher for that matter. I don't say this because of my great love for basketball – I say this because as a coach, you have such a tremendous impact on our youth and young men and women. The coach's role as that of a teacher, trainer, leader, motivator, counselor, psychologist, communicator, parent and friend can be a great influence … [Read more...]