Purpose: To work on rebounding, aggressiveness, and toughness in a competitive drill. Drill: Three players at a basket with a coach or manager and one basketball. The players set up as shown; one on each block and one in the middle of the lane. The coach 'shoots' the basketball off the rim and the three players go after the rebound. The player who rebounds the basketball attempts to score against the other two players. The ball is live until someone scores. Repeat until predetermined … [Read more...]
2 vs. 1 Reaction Rebounding Drill
Purpose: To develop both offensive and defensive rebounding skills. Particularly helps the defensive rebounder learn to react and recover against an offensive rebounder. Also helps offensive players learn to crash the boards and finish effectively when they gain control of an offensive rebound. Drill: A coach or shooter at the top with a basketball. Two offensive players, one at each elbow. One defender starts under the basket. The coach will shoot the basketball and O1 and O2 … [Read more...]
2-on-2 in Traffic Rebounding Drill
Purpose: A competitive 2-on-2 rebounding drill useful for both offensive and defensive rebounding work. Drill: A coach or manager starts at the free throw / top of key area with the basketball. The offensive players start at the elbow areas with defenders. Coach shoots the basketball as O1 and O2 crash the boards for the rebound. They can go straight after the rebound or cut, cross, pick for each other. X1 and X2 attempt to block them out. Once rebound is secured, rotate position … [Read more...]
Crash the Glass Offensive Rebounding Drill
Purpose: To develop the mindset and ability of 'crashing the glass' to go after offensive rebounds. Drill: A coach stands anywhere on the court with a basketball. The players line up at the free throw line. When the coach shoots the basketball, the first player in line goes after the rebound. The player must rebound the basketball in the air with both feet off the ground. To add a gamelike dimension, have the player finish by making a basket once he has secured the rebound. … [Read more...]
Free Throw Defensive Rebounding Drill
Purpose: To practice the skill of blocking out and rebounding a missed free throw. All too often, coaches will remind players to "rebound" on a free throw or to "block out the shooter". Those are great reminders, but have you spent time and practiced rebounding free throws? This drill is designed to help your players learn to stop the shooting team from getting a second chance off of a missed free throw. It is also designed to get them to better communicate. Drill: Players line up around the … [Read more...]
Second Effort Tip Drill
Purpose: To help develop the ability to jump quickly multiple times in a row. Many times in rebounding situations, the ball gets tipped about but most players will only give one jump which can result in loss of possession. This drill works on the second effort as well as tipping it in to the basket. Drill: Players split into pairs. Use as many baskets as you have available, otherwise simply rotate as needed. O1 starts with the basketball. O2 will jump as high as possible and as he is coming … [Read more...]
1 vs. 2 Rebounding Drill
Go beyond working on rebounding with this drill that also incorporates competition, toughness, and intensity. This drill requires three players; two players on defense start in the lane. One player on offense starts at the free throw line. A coach or manager has a basketball and can shoot from anywhere. When the shot is taken, O1 attempts to secure an offensive rebound. X1 and X2 block him out to secure the defensive rebound. If O1 secures the rebound, he should attempt to score against the … [Read more...]
Power Up Rebounding Drill
Purpose: To work on rebounding in traffic and taking the basketball up strong against pressure. The offensive player will have to use fundamental moves to score and the defensive player works on giving intense inside pressure. Drill: Two players and one basketball per basket. O1 has the ball and stands near the low block on either side of the rim. X2 stands out of bounds on the same side as the offensive player (in this diagram, both players are on the right side). O1 starts by tossing the … [Read more...]
3-on-3 Competitive Rebounding and Outlet Pass Drill
Purpose: To practice offensive and defensive rebounding in a competitive situation and to practice making the outlet pass on a defensive rebound. Drill: Three defensive players position themselves inside three offensive players. Two coaches or managers are also on the court. The coach shoots the basketball and the defensive players attempt to block out while the offensive players go after the rebound. If the defense gets the rebound, they pivot and make an outlet pass to either coach. To … [Read more...]
Tip-Out Rebounding Drill
Purpose: The 'Tip-Out' Rebounding Drill helps players work on the ability to tip the basketball to a teammate when grabbing the rebound is not possible. Drill: Two teams line up on one side of the free throw lane, shown in the diagram by Team 1 on one side and Team 2 on the other side. The coach or manager stands in the middle of the circle and will either toss the ball up in the air or bounce it hard off the floor so it goes high into the air. When the ball is tossed, the first … [Read more...]