Purpose: To help teach the off-ball defender the responsibilities when applying pressure defense. Drill: A coach or manager or another player will start at the top with a basketball. The offensive player and his defender are on the wing as shown. Because the focus is on applying pressure defense, the defender should denying the pass. When the player with the ball signals, O1 will cut backdoor and through the lane. X1, again overplaying the pass, will pivot through the lane to deny the … [Read more...]
Backside Help and Recover Drill
This is a nice 2-man defensive drill to work on helpside defense as well as recovering. The defenders work at cutting off flashes and passes, while being able to recover to their man. Coach starts with the ball. 2 flashes to the middle of the lane, and X2 must stop the flash. Once the flash is checked, 3 steps in bounds and Coach passes to 4. X1 must drop back to guard the basket, and X2 must step over to cut off 4 penetrating baseline. Once the penetration has been cut-off, X2 … [Read more...]
5-on-5 Transition Scramble
Purpose: To work on making good, quick offensive and defensive transitions, especially when tired. To practice smart decision-making in transition. To practice dealing with chaotic and unplanned situations. To improve conditioning and build stamina. Drill: Divide into two teams for a full-court scrimmage. Five players from each team are on the court. A coach or manager is on each sideline at midcourt. Drill begins in the halfcourt with the offense attempting to score against the defense. … [Read more...]
3-on-2 Continuous Drill
Purpose: To practice the offensive fast break and the the decision-making and finishing skills required. Also to practice defending the fast break from a disadvantage in numbers. Drill: Divide into two teams, one team on each sideline. The first three offensive players start at midcourt with one basketball. The first two defenders start in the lane. The three offensive players attack the defenders until they score or turn the ball over. When the basketball is secured by the defense, … [Read more...]
Team Blitz Drill
Purpose: A continuous fast break drill that focuses on transition offense and defense and forces players to make quick decisions. Drill: The Team Blitz starts with a line of players along each sideline (team 1 and team 2). Three members of Team 1 start on the court at the top of the key area, middle player with the basketball. Two members of Team 2 start in the opposite lane from Team 1 and are ready to defend. To start, Team 1 begins dribbling down the court in an attempt to score … [Read more...]
Sprint-Slide 1-on-1 Drill
Purpose: To work on defensive footwork, closing out, and defending the ball in a one-on-one situation. The offensive player also gets work in trying to score against a single defender. Drill: Offensive players starts on one low block, defensive player starts on the opposite low block. Coach, manager, or third player stands at baseline with the basketball. The drill begins with the coach or passer rolling or tossing the basketball to the top of the key. As soon as the ball is rolled, O1 … [Read more...]
3-on-3 Defensive Transition Reaction Drill
Purpose: To work on getting back on defense and recovering quickly to defend an offensive player. Also helps develop communication skills and conditioning. The offensive players get work on scoring in a fast break situation. Drill: The offensive players O1, O2, and O3 start along the baseline in position to run a 3-lane break. X1, X2, and X3 are the defenders. They will begin in the corner and X1 has the basketball. The drill begins with X1 handing the basketball to O3. Immediately, … [Read more...]
Anticipation and Help Drill
Purpose: To help defensive players improve their anticipation and rotation to help on penetration. Drill: 2 offensive players and 2 defenders. Also 2 'penetrators, one in each corner and 2 coaches or passers. One basketball. The two coaches/passers position themselves at the deep wing area. The two unguarded 'penetrators' are in the corners and the remaining four players go two-on-two against each other. The drill begins with the two offensive players going live against the two … [Read more...]
Helpside Deny Flash or Stop Dribble-Drive Drill
Purpose: To work on off-the-ball defensive techniques, specifically in denying the post flash and stopping the dribble-drive. Drill: 4 offensive players and 1 defender are needed for this drill. 2 offensive players are at the top, each with a basketball. The other 2 offensive players are at the corner/wing area without a basketball. The defender stands in the middle of the lane. A coach stands on the baseline out of the vision of the defender. The drill begins when the coach points to … [Read more...]
4-on-4 Transition Recover Drill
Purpose: To teach defenders to get back quickly on defense and to help teammates who are slow in recovering. Offensively, players will work on their transition and fast break offense. Drill: This drill begins in a 4-on-4 halfcourt setup. The players play 4-on-4 until either a shot is made or the defense secures the rebound on a missed shot. When the ball is rebounded by the defensive team, they will quickly outlet the basketball and push it upcourt in a fast break situation. If the … [Read more...]