Purpose: To work on defensive footwork, closing out, and defending the ball in a one-on-one situation. The offensive player also gets work in trying to score against a single defender. Drill: Offensive players starts on one low block, defensive player starts on the opposite low block. Coach, manager, or third player stands at baseline with the basketball. The drill begins with the coach or passer rolling or tossing the basketball to the top of the key. As soon as the ball is rolled, O1 … [Read more...]
Closeout and Cut Off Drill
Purpose: To work on closing out effectively while still being able to cut off dribble penetration. Drill: One defensive player, one offensive player, and one passer needed for this drill. The passer stands at the top of the key with a basketball. The defender starts on the low block (X1) and the offensive player starts on the wing (O1). 'C' passes the basketball to O1 on the wing. X1 closes out on O1 from his position on the low block. O1 attempts to drive against X1 and can go … [Read more...]
1-on-1 Fullcourt Zigzag with Closeout Drill
Purpose: To work on individual transition defense and closing out on the shooter from a transition situation. Drill: Use 2 lines as shown. O1 and O2 both have a basketball and are being defended by X1 and X2. X1 and X2 defend the zig-zag dribble downcourt. The offense isn't really "trying" to beat the defender but if the defender is playing too lazy, go right ahead. Defensively, just remember to stay low in a solid stance and change direction quickly. As the offensive player nears the … [Read more...]
Closeout and Contest Dribble Drive Drill
Purpose: To work on closeouts, stopping the dribble-drive, and overall 1-on-1 defense. The offensive player gets to work on scoring off of a dribble move. Drill: Utilize baskets and groups or have all players at one basket. The players will be under the basket but off the court. The first player in line is on the baseline with a basketball. An offensive player starts at the free throw line. To begin, the first player in line rolls the basketball to the offensive player (in diagram, X1 to … [Read more...]
Contain Drive and Jump to the Ball Drill
Purpose: To work on containing a dribbler and then reacting to the pass by jumping to the ball and denying the return pass on a cut to the basket. Drill: Two players needed for this drill; O1 is on offense with the basketball and X1 is on defense. Two coaches, managers, or additional players are needed with one on each wing ('C' in the diagram). O1 will start with the basketball near the midcourt line. X1 will start just below the free throw line. O1 will start dribbling and advancing with … [Read more...]
1 on 4 Shell Drill
Purpose: To learn all aspects of defensive positioning in a simple, breakdown shell drill situation. The defender will develop on-ball defense, off-ball defense, and help defense. Drill: 4 offensive players in a shell around the perimeter. A corner player begins with the basketball. 1 defensive player guarding the player with the basketball. Player 1 begins with the basketball and can attempt to drive baseline one time. X1 must stop the drive. O1 will then pass to O2 on the wing. O1 must stay … [Read more...]
Defender Towel Drill
Purpose: To improve defensive quickness and foot movement when playing on-the-ball defense by not allowing the defensive player to use his hands. Drill: 1 offensive player with a basketball and 1 defensive player with a towel begin at the baseline. The offensive player starts at the baseline facing the opposite basket. The defensive player gets in a defensive stance about 3-4 feet from the offensive player. The defender holds one end of the towel with the left hand and the other end with the … [Read more...]
Jump to the Ball Drill
Purpose: To practice the conversion from on-the-ball to off-the-ball defense. Many players think that their defensive responsibility ends when the player they are guarding passes the basketball. Good defenders will react, anticipate, and play good defense rather than be lazy. Drill: 2 offensive players and 1 defender guarding the player with the ball. O1 makes the pass to O2 on the wing. X1 'jumps to the ball' as the pass is made; staying in a low denial stance to prevent the give-and-go … [Read more...]
4-Man Help and Recover Drill
Purpose: To teach the defender to closeout, defend on-ball, jump to the ball in denial position, recover to defend the shot and blockout. This drill also stresses quick and efficient defensive footwork. Drill: Three offensive men start as shown in the diagram. The defensive man starts about midway between the baseline and free throw line with a basketball. To start the drill, the defender passes the ball to the offensive point man. The point catches the ball in triple threat position as the … [Read more...]
How To Defend the On-Ball 1-on-1 Situation
Possibly the toughest position to be in defensively is having to defend the ball in a 1-on-1 situation. More and more teams are using the dribble to create offense. You do need to have good helpside defense but the best initial line of defense for this is to develop a solid foundation of individual defensive fundamentals. 1-on-1 defense should be a part of every practice and the following must be stressed as part of the defensive stance: The defensive stance should be a comfortable stance that … [Read more...]