Getting physically and mentally ready for the upcoming season is one of the major pillars for success. We've all seen teams that are not properly conditioned wear out during the latter stages of the game and get run off the court. The truth is that today's basketball is a game of movement, transition, and driving to the bucket for layups or kick-out three point opportunities. This style of basketball requires that your team is conditioned well and can get up and down the court without … [Read more...]
Kids Basketball Drills – Developing Basic Footwork and Fundamentals
Article by: Pat Anderson One element of basketball that is often overlooked is mastering fundamental movement. Proper stance in starts, stops, and jumps will improve effectiveness and efficiency during the game. These drills for basketball will allow players to create muscle memory for correct stance and push them to move quickly and accurately on the court. Stance Check This drill for basketball helps players recognize basic stances, position … [Read more...]
Basketball Pickup Drill
Purpose: To improve lateral quickness, agility, conditioning, and reaction. An especially good drill for developing footwork and quickness for inside players. Drill: Two people are needed for this drill, with at least one basketball. The player that will be executing the drill stands at the free throw line. The coach, or partner, has the basketball at the top of the key area. The drill begins with the coach rolling the basketball to one side of the player. The player must slide over as … [Read more...]
'Bucketball' is a game I developed as something that could be played with a group or team to work on speed and conditioning without always having to run sprints, line, cone drills, etc. The term derived from some of the kids calling it 'bucketball' because I used a couple of buckets for the goals. Bucketball is really a combination of every sport because it demands the athletic skills most sports require. There really are aspects involved in this game from sports such as basketball, football, … [Read more...]
Ball Drops
This drill is taken from our book, The Complete Basketball Strength & Speed Program Purpose: To improve speed and accleration off the start. Also develops and improves reaction time. Great for basketball players to improve first-step quickness. Drill: Two people are needed for this drill. You will also need a ball or two (my preference is to use a racquetball or tennis ball). The drill is performed as follows: Each person stands about 5-20 feet apart, facing each other. The … [Read more...]
1-2-3 Skying Drill
Purpose: To improve and develop explosive leg strength, conditioning, and reaction time. Drill: This drill requires a coach or additional person who can give the verbal commands. Position 1 - is a quarter-squat stance Position 2 - is a half-squat stance Position 3 - is a full-squat stance The drill begins with the athlete(s) assuming the quarter-squat stance. From this position, the coach will call out a number -- 1, 2, or 3 voice command. Once the number is called, the coach will … [Read more...]