Getting physically and mentally ready for the upcoming season is one of the major pillars for success. We've all seen teams that are not properly conditioned wear out during the latter stages of the game and get run off the court. The truth is that today's basketball is a game of movement, transition, and driving to the bucket for layups or kick-out three point opportunities. This style of basketball requires that your team is conditioned well and can get up and down the court without … [Read more...]
Why Every Basketball Player Should Meditate
At first glance, basketball and meditation seem like they couldn't be further apart. One is an ancient practice with roots found in the Eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, the other a massively popular sport played all around the globe. But the truth is that regular meditation can bring a marked improvement in athletic performance. If you are a bit skeptical about mindfulness and meditation, that's understandable. However, recognize that Phil Jackson, one of the NBA's most … [Read more...]