Purpose: To teach the concept of quickly transitioning from defense to offense and converting a stolen pass into a cheap basket at the other end. A stolen perimeter pass is a great opportunity for a quick basket and should be capitalized upon whenever possible. Drill: Place 3 lines on one end of the floor, as shown. The first player in each line will start at about the free throw line / free throw line extended. The coach will throw the ball to any one of the 3 players, who either passes to … [Read more...]
Trailer Weave Drill
Purpose: To improve passing and finishing skills in a fast break situation. Also improves and develops overall conditioning. Drill: Form four lines on the baseline as shown. One of the outside lines will be designated as the 'trailer' (O1 in this diagram). The ball starts two lines away from the trailer line. Players O2, O3, and O4 will execute a 3-man weave down the court. As they begin, O1 sprints down the court and upon reaching the top of the key extended, makes a diagonal cut to the … [Read more...]
Partner Fast Break Drill
Purpose: Work on offensive transition, finishing the fast break, and conditioning. Drill: 2 players are required to perform this drill. With a team, have the next two go when the previous pair finish. The drill begins with O1 tossing the ball off the backboard and then rebounding the ball. He will then outlet the ball to O2, who immediately dribbles the ball up the middle of the court. O1 sprints down the wing. O2 will perform a jump stop at the free throw line area and pass to O1, who is … [Read more...]
5 on 1-1-1 Drill
Purpose: To teach five players to execute the fast break while being pressured on the rebound, at midcourt, and by their basket. Good drill to use to begin incorporating defense against your transition offense. Drill: The five offensive players set up on one end of the court as shown. One defensive player sets up near the basket, one stands near half court, and one starts near the opposite basket. The drill begins with the coach taking a shot. The 5 players (and 1 defender) go after the … [Read more...]
Pro Rolls
Purpose: To work on layups in a full court situation. Develops the ability to score under pressure, passing, and running the floor. Also a good drill for conditioning. Drill: Players will divide into groups of 3. Only three passes are allowed per length of the court trip. Dribbling is not allowed. The drill begins with the players in the positions as shown: O1 under the basket with a ball, O2 at the free throw line extended, O3 at the midcourt area. O1 starts by passing to O2 and then … [Read more...]
Outlet to Break Simulation Drill
Purpose: Teach players to outlet quickly and to move the ball quickly up the floor in a fast break or break the press situation. Drill: Divide players into four groups (1-4) as shown. Group 1: Each player begins with a basketball. The drill starts with the first player in line throwing the ball off the glass, rebounding it, then throwing an outlet pass to the first person in Group 2. Group 2: Players will yell 'outlet', receive the pass, and dribble once or twice toward the center … [Read more...]
Full Court Speed Passing Drill
Purpose: This is a good pre-practice or warm-up drill that involves conditioning, passing/catching, conditioning, and layups. Drill: 6 players (X's) take positions on the floor as shown in the diagram. O's take position on the baseline, each with a basketball. The drill begins with O1 passing to X1 and sprinting straight down court looking for a return pass from X1. O1 then passes immediately to X2 and receives the return pass; still sprinting downcourt. O1 then passes to X3, receives the … [Read more...]
5-Man Weave to 3-on-2
Purpose: To develop teamwork and the ability to score against pressure. This is also a great focus drill that can develop mental toughness and improve on transition skills ... both offensively and defensively. Drill: Players form five lines, as shown, with the basketball in the middle line. Five players will weave to the opposite end of the court and shoot a layup. The 5-man weave is much like the oft-used 3-man weave, however, the rule here is to pass and go behind two players: O1 passes … [Read more...]
Outlet Pass and Go Drill
Purpose: Work on passing and outlet passing, conditioning, finishing (layup). Drill: This drill needs a minimum of 10 players to perform (12+ works even better). Place at least two rebounders at each basket and at least two shooters at each hash mark. Also place a passer on each side of the halfcourt circle. The drill begins with each rebounder tossing the ball off the backboard, rebounding, and then turning and making an outlet pass to the first player in line at the hash (who has stepped … [Read more...]
1-on-2 to 2-on-1 Drill
Purpose: Develop the full court speed dribble and the ability to finish while being pressured or chased. Also develops conditioning and scoring/defending a fast break situation. Drill: Begin with 3 lines at one end of the court, basketball in the middle line. The drill begins with the offensive player in the middle line speed dribbling to the opposite basket and attempting to make a layup. As soon as 'O' passes the free throw line, X1 and X2 begin chasing the dribbler and trying to prevent the … [Read more...]