Purpose: To practice and develop decision-making abilities in a full speed game situation. Offensive players will also work on scoring when a basket is needed. Defensive players will work on stopping the offense from scoring when that is needed. Also a great drill to improve conditioning. Drill: Divide your squad into 2 teams, with 5 players from each team on the court (5 offense vs. 5 defense). The teams will play a normal full court game of 5 on 5 with one exception ... each time they gain … [Read more...]
Deny the Wing Drill
Purpose: To improve 1-on-1 off-the-ball defense and to learn to deny the wing entry pass. When adding the 1-on-1 scoring option, both the defensive and offensive player will work on scoring or stopping the score in the 1-on-1 situation. Drill: Have the players line up at the top of the key; the first player in line has the basketball. An offensive player starts on the wing (O2) and a defensive player is guarding him (x2). The drill starts with O2 executing a v-cut to get open. X2 … [Read more...]
Defensive Cutthroat
Purpose: To teach players either 3-on-3 or 4-on-4 defensive skills in a gamelike situation. The focus is on halfcourt defense and, more specifically, the defensive philosophy you want your players to abide by. Drill: This drill can be performed either 3-on-3 or 4-on-4. This will depend on your preference and the number of players you have available on your team. 4 offensive players line up outside the three-point line. 4 defensive players line up along the baseline. The additional team … [Read more...]
Sprint Recovery Drill
Purpose: To help players understand the importance of never playing defense from behind the ball, especially when in a full court pressure situation. Players must work at not only stopping the dribble but staying with their assignment the entire play. Drill: Two players start in the corner; O1 has a basketball, X1 is on defense. A third player, O2, starts near the midcourt line. O1 starts the drill by dribbling up the sideline. X1 must get ahead and cut him off. When O1 is cut off, he … [Read more...]
Closeout and Contest Dribble Drive Drill
Purpose: To work on closeouts, stopping the dribble-drive, and overall 1-on-1 defense. The offensive player gets to work on scoring off of a dribble move. Drill: Utilize baskets and groups or have all players at one basket. The players will be under the basket but off the court. The first player in line is on the baseline with a basketball. An offensive player starts at the free throw line. To begin, the first player in line rolls the basketball to the offensive player (in diagram, X1 to … [Read more...]
Defend the Lane Drill
Purpose: To work on defensive principles when guarding the dribbler who penetrates the lane. Helps to develop footwork and man-to-man defensive skills. Drill: Two players begin as shown in the diagram. O1 has the basketball while X1 defends. For the sake of this drill, X1 starts slightly out of position so he is basically giving up the lane penetration. On 'Go', the defensive player must cut off the dribbler in the lane to force a turn or crossover. The defender must stay in the stance and … [Read more...]
Contain Drive and Jump to the Ball Drill
Purpose: To work on containing a dribbler and then reacting to the pass by jumping to the ball and denying the return pass on a cut to the basket. Drill: Two players needed for this drill; O1 is on offense with the basketball and X1 is on defense. Two coaches, managers, or additional players are needed with one on each wing ('C' in the diagram). O1 will start with the basketball near the midcourt line. X1 will start just below the free throw line. O1 will start dribbling and advancing with … [Read more...]
2-on-2 Closeout and Help Drill
Purpose: To develop the ability to properly react on a pass to either closeout on the basketball or to move into help position. This drill also converts into a live, competitive 2-on-2 situation. A coach or manager starts with the basketball and stands near the basket. O1 and O2 start outside the three-point line. X1 and X2 start in the lane near the low block but in front of the coach so they can't see where he will pass the ball. The drill begins when the coach passes the basketball to … [Read more...]
2-on-2 Catch Up Drill
Purpose: To work on scoring and defending in a transition situation. The offensive players will attempt to score while the defensive players will need to sprint and then defend the offense from scoring. Drill: 4 players line up along a baseline as shown by players 1-4 in the diagram. A player on one end begins with a basketball (O1 in our diagram). The drill starts with O1 passing to O2, who passes to O3, who passes to O4. Players O1 and O3 will become defenders once they pass the ball so … [Read more...]
1-on-1 Press Drill
Purpose: To teach fullcourt defensive tactics and improve conditioning. Also useful for the offensive player to work on dribbling in the full court. Drill: Two players of approximately speed start on the free throw line. The coach begins the drill by tossing the basketball off the backboard. Both players go after the ball once it leaves the coaches hand. The player who gains possession becomes the offensive dribbler and the other player becomes the defender. The dribbler will attempt to go … [Read more...]