This is a nice basketball play that gets the ball to the corner and then utilizes a pick and pop for a couple of possible scoring options. The players set up as shown and the play is initiated with the pass from O1 to O3 on the wing. O2 cuts through to the now ballside corner and O4 flashes to the high post. O3 passes to O2 in the corner and then cuts through to the opposite corner. You'll also notice that after O1 passed to the O3, he fades to the opposite wing. This will help to clear his … [Read more...]
High-Low Pick and Roll Pop Play
This play utilizes an on-ball screen from the wing that gives the ballhandler options to score and/or pass the basketball. The screener, by reading the defense, can opt to pick and roll or pop back out for the jump shot or 3-pointer. To initiate the High/Low Pick and Roll Pop, O1 dribbles toward the wing and passes to O2. He follows his pass and cuts through to the ballside corner. As O1 clears, O4 steps out to set an on-ball screen for O2. O2 uses the screen to look for his own shot or … [Read more...]
Croatia 2-Up Pick-and-Roll Play
There is a lot of action in this play, including a backscreen and staggered screen which culminate in a pick-and-roll scoring option. With O1 at the top right, the weakside high post flashes top to receive the pass from O1. O5 steps up and sets a backscreen for O1. If open, O4 can hit O1 with the pass. If O1 was not open on that initial cut, O4 will swing the basketball back to O5. O2 will then cut to the top off of a staggered screen set by O1 and O4. O5 reverses the basketball back to … [Read more...]
Howard Handoff Pick and Roll Play
This quick hitter utilizes a dribble handoff into a pick and roll to create a great scoring chance. As O1 brings the ball upcourt, O3 slides up from the corner. O1 and O3 execute a dribble handoff maneuver. As O1 and O3 execute the dribble handoff, O5 flashes up to set an on-ball screen for O3. O3 uses the screen to attack the lane. O5 rolls to the basket after setting the screen. O3 may have the shot, the pass to O5, or the kick out pass to O1 (as shown in the diagram). If nothing … [Read more...]
Texas 1-4 Play
From the 1-4 high set, this play incorporates a couple of on-ball screens along with some other options to get a score. The players begin in a 1-4 high set as shown in the diagram above. O4 and O5 both step out from their respective high post/elbow position to set an on-ball screen for O1. The point guard, O1 has the option of going either way. Whichever way he goes, the ballside guard on that side will dive down to the low block (in this diagram, O1 goes right and O2 dives low). O2, after … [Read more...]
Barcelona Side Pick-and-Roll Play
This quick hitter incorporates several screens and cuts to ultimately create a pick-and-roll from the wing area. This is a great play that allows the point guard to attack the heart of the defense via the pick and roll. O1 passes the basketball to O3 on the wing and then cuts through to the ballside low post. O2 uses a staggered screen set by O4 and O5 and cuts hard to the top of the key. O3 passes to O2 at the top and then cuts off of a backscreen from O1. O3 will ultimately clear through … [Read more...]
Barcelona Handoff Pick and Roll Play
The Barcelona Handoff Pick and Roll Play utilizes a couple of screens and cuts for potential scoring chances with the ultimate action being a dribble handoff for a scoring opportunity. The players start out as shown, with 1 player at each elbow and 1 player in each corner. The point guard is at the top. O1 passes to O4 at the elbow and then uses a backscreen from O5 and cuts to the basket. O4 can make the pass to O1 if open. If O1 was not available on the cut to the basket, O4 will pass … [Read more...]
Zipper Pick and Roll Play
This play from the Zipper set utilizes a pick and roll to create an easy scoring opportunity. This particular zipper pick and roll play can be run to either side. For the purpose of our description, it is being run to the right side. O1 dribbles over to the right wing as O3 sets the down screen for O3. O3 makes the zipper cut to the top and receives the pass from O1. As O3 receives the pass, O5 moves toward the top to initiate the pick and roll. Also at the same time, O2 clears from … [Read more...]
Maccabi Middle Pick-and-Roll Play
This set play is a simple way to get your point guard in position to run the middle pick-and-roll with a low post player. The action prior to the on-ball screen helps to move the defensive players so they can't simply key on defending the pick-and-roll. The offensive players set up as shown in the diagram. O1 initiates the play by passing to O4 at the top. O4 immediately reverses the basketball to O2 and cuts through to the short corner. If O4 is open on the cut, the pass can certainly be made … [Read more...]
Scariola Mid Pick-and-Roll Play
The first in a series of International Set Plays from Coach Hardin, the Scariola Mid Pick-and-Roll is a play that creates a pick-and-roll from a 2-3 High offensive set. The Scariola Mid Pick-and-Roll Play is run from a 2-3 High set, as shown in the above diagram. The point guard, O1, initiates the play by passing to the ballside wing, O4. After passing, O1 cuts through and into the lane or weakside block area. O2 executes a v-cut to replace O1 at the top. O4 passes the basketball to O2, now … [Read more...]