Box Cutbacks is a baseline out of bounds play from the box set formation. This simple-to-execute out of bounds play gives a couple of scoring options with one being in the paint and one on the perimeter. When the official hands the basketball to O1, O5 steps high as if he'll be setting a screen for O2. O5 then quickly cuts back to the ball. At the same time O5 is stepping high, O2 steps to the weakside as though he will be using a screen. O2 then cuts back and across to the ballside … [Read more...]
Lob Two Downscreens
This baseline out of bounds play is best run against zone defenses. The initial action creates a lob opportunity that, if unavailable, leads into two downscreens to create an open shot. When the official hands the basketball to O1, O4 pops out to the ballside corner. O3 fades behind the zone on the weak side and O5 steps hard toward the passer. O2 acts as the safety outlet. For this play (unless O5 is open), we are looking to pass inbounds to O4. O4 quickly reverses the basketball … [Read more...]
Box Cross Screen Play
This simple baseline out of bounds play is often quite effective at getting a layup. When the official hands the basketball to O1, O3 cuts to opposite side of lane and screens O5's defender. (O3 should also turn to basket as he sets the screen). O5 runs his defender into O3 and then cuts across the lane. If the screen is effective and there is no switch, O5 will be open to receive the pass from O1 for the layup. If the defenders switch, O3 can step in, seal the defender on his back … [Read more...]
Boston BLOB Play Series
This is a series of inbounds plays out of a ball side elbow stack and backside flat look. I call it “Boston” because one of the sets came from watching the Celtics and another came from watching Boston College. It just made sense! The first three sets we ran this year at the B-Squad (Sophomore) level with success. The others are sets that I came up with and would run in the future. I think it's important to have a few sets out of the same look because it allows you to hide what you are trying … [Read more...]
Double Quick 3 Inbounds Play
This play is designed to generate a quick jump shot for a three-point attempt. Best against a man-to-man, it can also be run against a zone defense. O4, O2 and O5 set up at the free throw line. O3 starts on the ballside low block. When the official hands the ball to O1, O3 cuts to an open area on the ballside wing. On the pass from O1 to O3, O4 and O5 step into the lane, forming a double screen for O2. O2 steps back to the top of the key. O3 passes to O2 for a jump shot. NOTE: … [Read more...]
Elbow Double Stack Out of Bounds Play
From a doublestack formation at the elbow areas, inside and outside scoring options are both created. Players line up in a double stack formation at the elbows. When the official hands the basketball to O3, O1 and O4 step into the lane and set a doublescreen for O2 who cuts off the screen and out to the three-point line. At the same time, O4 flashes to opposite short corner / corner area. Following the screen, O5 rolls to the basket and O1 steps out high to become the safety … [Read more...]
Box Up Diagonal Play
From the box set, this out of bounds play gives the inbounds passer options of passing to each teammate. The main goal, however, is a screen-the-screener action to create a layup. When the official hands the basketball to O1, O5 sets an upscreen for O2 who cuts out to the weakside corner. O4 steps into the lane to set a diagonal screen for O5. O5 uses the screen and dives toward the ballside low block. O4 rolls off his screen to weakside low block area. O3 pops out to the ballside … [Read more...]
Attack the Zone Short Corner Play
This out of bounds play to be run against a zone defense attacks the zone where they are most vulnerable, the short corner. There are a few scoring options as well as a reversal to attack both short corners. When the official hands the basketbal to O2, O5 turns to screen for O4 who pops out to the short corner. O4 can take the shot, if open. O5 should also look for a seal and quick pass in case his defender overcommits to helping on the screen. If nothing was available initially, O1 … [Read more...]
Box Reversal Return Play
Use this baseline inbounds play against a zone to get a 3-point shot or if the defense over-commits, an entry pass inside for a short jumper or layup. When the official hands the basketball to O2, O5 cuts out to the corner and O1 steps to the wing (maybe even sealing off the outside defender). O2 can make the pass to either player. If O5 receives the inbounds pass, he passes to O1 who reverses to O3. If O1 receives the inbounds pass, he immediately reverses to O3. O3 should pass … [Read more...]
Triangle Backpick Play
The Triangle Backpick baseline out-of-bounds play works quite well against a man-to-man defense. From a triangle set, a backpick and roll is utilized to get an easy layup opportunity. The players set up in a triangle set, as shown in the diagram. When the official hands the basketball to O2, O3 cuts to the corner and O5 sets a backpick for O4 and rolls opposite to the basket. O1 slides over to the wing area. Note: O4 can use the backpick and go either way to the basket. O5 will roll opposite … [Read more...]