From a box set formation, this baseline out of bounds play works best against a zone defense, particularly a 2-3 zone defense. By making use of cutting and screening actions, a defender is left with the choice of which player to defend, thereby giving a great opportunity at an open shot. This can also be an effective baseline out of bounds play to utilize as a last-second scoring option. When the official hands the basketball to O3, O1 and O2 cut to the opposite corners, … [Read more...]
Staggered Screen Baseline Lob Play
With this baseline inbounds play, a staggered screen is used to create space for a lob pass to the rim. This play can be used anytime, but might also be an effective out of bounds play when there is no time for a catch and shoot. When the official hands the basketball to 3, 2 cuts across the lane. 2 and 5 set a staggered screen for 4, who cuts hard to the basket. If open, 3 will throw a lob pass to 4 in front of the rim. After 4's cut, 2 pops out to the short corner. If the lob to 4 isn't … [Read more...]